At Evaluate, we are dedicated to helping you to create a better learning environment for your students.
We provide a platform for generating MCQ Quizzes for teachers Online through which they can understand the students’ knowledge and skills better without any hassle.
Schools and Universities
  1. 1. School teachers & University School can generate their own Online Quiz with their list of MCQ Questions
  2. 2. Students can attend there assigned assessment from classroom, home, almost anywhere with a mobile/laptop
  3. 3. Teachers can setup live scoreboard, so that the students can compete with each other to finish at the top in the leaderboard!
  1. 1. HRs with the help of Technical Team can make online Quizzes with a click of few buttons
  2. 2. The HRs imports a list of emails of candidates who has applied for a Job in their organization
  3. 3. Candidate tries to secure the Job by attending online MCQ test and clearing the cut-off score set by the HRs
Conferences & Communities
  1. 1. Communities can conduct Online free Causal Quizzes which can increase engagement with their audience
  2. 2. Attendees can try there luck to participate in the Quiz and win Rewards based in criteria set by the Host
Create your own free Quiz, with ease
Evaluate, Our Online Quiz Generator can be made ready in minutes!

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